HomeGaming & EsportsHow To Play BGMI On Bluestacks

How To Play BGMI On Bluestacks


Battlegrounds Mobile India, or BGMI, as the name suggests, is primarily a mobile game. However, a huge chunk of the gaming community prefers to play on their PC since it is a lot easier to control. The visuals are also monumentally better while playing on a PC. Although BGMI is a mobile game and there is no official PC version, players can still experience BGMI on their PC using emulators. The best option for this is Bluestacks.

At present, it is only possible to play Battlegrounds Mobile India on a PC by utilising the most recent BlueStacks 5 version. Players can install the most recent version of BlueStacks 5. Then, they can install Battlegrounds Mobile India to start playing. Playing on the PC will give you amplified accuracy and sleek visuals at 90 FPS. The controls are also designed and carefully selected specifically for BGMI. Players can gain accurate targeting, improved player control, and much more. So if you want to know how to play BGMI using Bluestacks, you can find the process here below.

How to install BGMI on Bluestacks

You can download and install BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit by adhering to the steps below if you want to play Battlegrounds Mobile India on your PC.

  • Go to the BlueStacks 5’s official download page.
  • On the download page, scroll to the bottom and click the “Download” button next to “Nougat 32 bit”.
  • A 32-bit installer for BlueStacks 5 Nougat will be downloaded. Double-click the installer to launch it.
  • Press “Install now” to begin setting up BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit on your computer.
  • BlueStacks 5 will launch when the installation is finished. 
  • Once logged in, download “Battlegrounds Mobile India” from the Play Store.
  • Once the installation is completed, you will now be able to open BGMI and play the game as usual.

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