Minecraft 1.21 Update: All Upcoming Mobs Details

Minecraft 1.21

The upcoming major version of Minecraft, 1.21, is packed with tons of interesting new features, including new throwables, armors, structures, and even a variety of new mobs. 

The bogged, the breeze, and the armadillo are the only announced mobs for the update.


Update 1.21 brought in only one passive mob: armadillos, which may be found throughout the game’s several warmer biomes. 

When threatened, these little ones will curl up into a ball to defend themselves, then look about to make sure it’s safe to uncurl.

In order to build the recently introduced wolf armor, players can brush them to get armadillo scutes. In addition, users may tame armadillos by giving them spider eyes and leading them about using a lead.


The second new mob in the next update for Minecraft is called Breeze, and it’s a new blaze variation. Instead than using fire to combat, this elemental creature employs wind. It launches condensed air balls at players, which may send them hurtling upwards and taking heavy falls.

The new trial chambers in Minecraft, which is another impending 1.21 addition, contain the breeze. Players can find loot and stuff by attacking the spawners inside these underground structures.

Additionally, Breeze will have a special drop in the updated wind charge item. Similar to the projectiles the crowd fires at players, these objects are hurled at them. 

It has the ability to toss doors open and shut, turn switches, press pressure plates, knock back objects, and punch buttons. Wind charges are a fantastic new utility item since they allow players to achieve enormous leaps with them.


The bogged is the final newly revealed mob for version 1.21. This skeleton inhabits swamps and is a little bit simpler to eliminate than the other skeletons who attack players with poisoned arrows that inflict heavy damage gradually. 

There was some sadness that the wind was merely another variation of the Minecraft skeleton, even though new mobs are usually awesome.

In addition to being an uncommon spawn in normal and mangrove swamps, these toxic skeletons may also be seen in trial chambers next to the breeze as one of the possible ranged mobs that trial spawners might spawn to assault players.

There are many drops in the bogged. Bogged skeletons in Minecraft may drop bones, arrows, and broken bows just as ordinary skeletons. 

Bogged, on the other hand, may also release poisoned arrows, which makes sense given that the stray, another skeleton variety, releases a certain kind of arrow when it is killed.

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