PUBG Mobile Cyber Week Event Details, Rewards

PUBG Mobile Cyber Week

Cyber Week in PUBG Mobile is a two-week event that began on November 20 and runs until December 3, 2023. 

Every year, Tencent Games hosts it and gives away a ton of unique stuff, like costumes, new cosmetics, upgradeable gun skins, and much more. 

This event includes earning Cyber Points through daily sign-in, mission completion, and Unknown Cash (UC) rebates.

Cyber Week for PUBG Mobile consists of series of events that will be published one after the other over a two-week period. Among these are Cyber Sign-in Perks, Cyber Week Rebates, Cyber Famous Firearms, and Mystery Crates.

During Cyber Week, PUBG Mobile is offering a number of in-game exclusives at steeply reduced pricing. 

There aren’t many days left, so those in search of them should seize the opportunity. The featured sub-events in this event in PUBG Mobile are listed below:

Cyber Week Rebates

The main draw for the current PUBG Mobile events is this sub-event. It will run until December 3, 2023 (UTC+0), having started on November 20. 

In addition to a plethora of incentives for finishing daily objectives, this event also gives UC rebates.

Once you’ve paid 1120 UCs for the Winged Legend Set in PUBG Mobile, you may complete daily missions to gain Cyber Points. 

Upon reaching a specific number of these Cyber Points, you will receive UCs as payment. You can recover all of the UCs that were spent on the Winged Legend Set by finishing the daily tasks of the event.

Cyber Famous Firearms

In addition to the Heart of Stone costume, headgear, and Stealth Agent backpack, helmet, and pan, this event in PUBG Mobile includes a variety of gun skins. The special gun skins for the event are these:

  • M762 skins: Starcore, Concerto of Love, and Stray Rebellion.
  • M16A4 skins: Skeletal Core, Blood and Bones, and Aurora Pulse.
  • M24 skins: Circle of Life and Pharaoh’s Might.
  • Vector skin: Mecha Drake

Opening a crate in the Cyber Famous Firearm phase of the event in PUBG Mobile is necessary to get the aforementioned rewards. 

Your prize will be an item chosen at random by it. Ten PUBG Mobile UCs will be charged for the first opening of the day, and sixty for the other ones. But you have to use 540 UCs to unlock 10 crates at once.

Mystery Crates

November 20 is the start date of the Mystery Crate event in PUBG Mobile, which runs through December 3, 2023. Its three crates include unique in-game items, same as previous events.

Cyber Sign-in Perks event

The Cyber Sign-in Perks event will run from November 20, 2023, until December 3, 2023 in PUBG Mobile. You will receive several special items if you log in to the game every day during its duration. 

Additionally, buying any quantity of UCs during this event will result in extra benefits.

Also Read: Top 5 Tips & Tricks To Win Solo Matches In Free Fire 

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