All New Weapons In Minecraft Poisonous Potato Update


For April Fool’s Day 2024, the Poisonous Potato update for Minecraft was launched. It offers players a ton of fun potato-themed content. Its bizarre features include a whole realm dedicated to poisonous potatoes, several new potato-themed blocks, items, monsters, and even a custom boss. 

You can even use some new weaponry to explore the dimension of the poisonous potatoes.

Minecraft Poisonous Potato Update Weapons

  • Poisonous Potato Hammer-

The deadly poisonous potato hammer in Minecraft is made by fusing a blaze rod with a poisonous potato. 

It has a powerful melee damage of 100 damage per hit and is endowed with Knockback X, which causes almost any enemy it hits to fly away from the user. 

  • Hot Potato-

Hot potatoes aren’t utilized like regular weapons; instead, they are made by either dropping a poisonous potato into lava in a Minecraft world or mixing a poisonous potato with a lava bucket at a crafting table. 

Since mobs are unable to absorb damage from them, they must instead rely on being tossed and picked up by other players in PvP circumstances. Holding a hot potato over an extended period of time might lead to unfavorable outcomes, as anticipated.

The hot potato causes fire damage every tick while it is in the player’s inventory until it is disposed of. From zero damage at first, the damage grows with time. 

Nevertheless, after 20 ticks, it expands to one damage point, and then after every 40 ticks, it rises by one point until it achieves its maximum damage value of five fire damage each tick.

  • Potato Peeler-

The potato peeler, made by combining a pair of shears with a stick, is the perfect tool for taking down potato mobs. This peeler, which only provides two damage points by default, gives potato-themed mobs in the poisonous potato realm of the April Fool’s Day Minecraft snapshot an additional 10 damage points. 

The peeler may even be enchanted, and it does a significant 12 damage every attack.

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