BGMI Tips & Tricks: How To Loot From Air Drops Safely

BGMI Airdrop

Airdrop in BGMI contains high-level weapons, attachments, and more, that make the game considerably simpler to play. 

It is incredibly challenging to discover the items within the airdrop when looting city structures since they are of a rare grade. 

Although it may seem simple, looting an airdrop is not that simple. Everyone wants these Airdrops and many gamers keep looking for them. 

When an Airdrop comes in Battlegrounds Mobile India, a number of players gather at one location, turning the area into a miniature combat zone.

If you are wondering how to safely loot an Airdop and take advantage of the immaculate items found within, here are 5 tips that you can follow.

1. Keep you teammates around

It may seem tempting to rush to an Airdrop in BGMI to ensure you get to keep all the loot to yourself, but this is very dangerous. 

Considering that there will be more squads at the spot, it is wise to take your team along. It is advantageous in several ways. The loot can be split amongst your teammates. 

One of them could keep an eye on any incoming enemies, another could wait with a vehicle, another could give you cover or revive you, and so on.

2. Use a smoke grenade

Instead of directly running to the Airdrop, throw a smoke grenade next to it first. This will ensure that you are not spotted by enemies and can easily loot the Airdrop. 

Even if the enemy becomes aware that you are looting there, it will be virtually impossible for them to accurately shoot at you.

3. Look around

Before you loot the Airdrop, scan your surroundings. Analyze if any enemies will also reach the spot. 

Even after you have finished looting, you can wait at a safe distance for any enemy to come to the Airdrop to gather some extra kills.

4. Keep a vehicle closeby

It is always a good idea to go to the Airdrop via a vehicle, preferably a closed one. This will ensure that you have a quick escape after looting, in case enemies begin to open fire at you.

5. Check the distance of the Airdrop

In most cases, if the Airdrop has landed far away from you, it is highly probable that it will be looted already before you reach. 

There might also be an enemy waiting for you at the spot. Therefore, it is always better to limit yourself to Airdrops that have landed within a reasonable distance from you.

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