League of Legends Wild Rift: Three New Champions To Be Added

League of Legends

Data miners have discovered three potential new champions for League of Legends: Wild Rift. 

New voice lines that alluded to which heroes would appear soon in the game were discovered among the leaks that were discovered within the game files. 

Riot Games has not yet formally released information on the new Wild Rift champions that will be available in 2024. 

Nonetheless, these champions could be coming soon given that their voice lines are currently included in the game files. 

Three champions—Fiddlesticks, Sivir, and Zyra—will be added to Wild Rift patch 4.4 during the course of the patch cycle, which might extend until the end of December 2023.

New champions is League of Legends: Wild Rift

Three new voice lines that have been added to the game files may provide clues about the champions that will be released during the League of Legends Wild Rift 4.4 patch cycle, as per a ChowZ video. 

The voice lines suggest that Quinn, Rumble, and Nidalee will be the next champions.

These voice-overs are in Chinese, and it’s assumed that they represent voices from the champion selection process. As of right now, leakers have only revealed the three voiceovers.

Quinn is a marksman, but has also demonstrated flexibility, fitting into areas like Top Lane and Jungle. 

She is a very strong opponent in practically every lane due to her ability to kite down opponents and win 1v1 battles. 

One of the most enjoyable champions to use in League of Legends PC is Rumble. 

In addition to his extensive range of crowd control and AoE (Area of Effect) damage, he also possesses a respectable sustain for his abilities. Because of this, he’s a useful champion in the Jungle or Baron Lane.

Among the most adored champions is Nidalee. She can modify her skills and shapeshift, which makes her unpredictable. 

One of the more rewarding skill shots she has is the Javelin Toss, especially if you can one-shot opponents from a distance.

It is important for players to remember that Quinn, Rumble, and Nidalee have not yet been formally confirmed for release in Wild Rift by Riot Games.

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